** Interventions Inc., Making a difference in a difficult world**

Friday, September 29, 2006

Parenting Styles: Many parents confuse discipline with punishment, while others confuse generosity with enabling. I would like you to gain an understanding of both extremes, and see what I believe is the middle ground. This lecture briefly discusses the range of styles from Autocratic, Emotionally-Enmeshed Parent to the Permissive, Emotionally-Disengaged Parent.

11:20 Minutes Downloadable MP3

Is this the Right Person for Me?: Finding the right person for you is a challenging and difficult task. However, there are questions you can ask yourself, and your partner, that will help you gain an understanding of where the relationship is heading. This audio is in response to an email.

11 Min MP3 Listen HERE

Monday, September 25, 2006


Why is Change So Difficult? Briefly describes the Challenges of being different. 3 Min

Listen Here

Friday, September 22, 2006


Four Types of Criticism: How people distructively manipulate the emotions of others via Direct, Indirect and Non-verbal Criticism. Tells you how to Identify it, how to correct it and how to use Positive Constructive Cricism. Once you catch on to the Indirect and Non-Verbal you can make real changes in your life as you assertively set limits and do not allow people to do these.

Listen here

BELIEVE: Summarizes the philosophies we teach regarding growth and uses the word "believe" as a framework. Dr GAP

Listen here

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Am I in Love?

Am I In Love? Too many of our clients are confused about what love is. Typically they misundestand their own emotions and assume they have a Love relationship because they misinterpret their own feelings. In a society that has a Divorce rate approaching 50 % I offer some suggestions that might help you to understand what you are feeling. Dr GAP

Listen here

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Trust and Support: The foundation of a healthy relationship begins here! Love is never easy. It is challenging to maintain relational quality with someone you love. The distractions of careers, children and chores adds to our stress -- the most devoted couples lose track of what is important. Listen to these guidelines. Dr GAP


Why is love such a challenge?!

Why is Love such a Challenge?: Briefly works through the 5 levels of relationships and parallels the maturing process of Commitment, Disclosure, Values & Beliefs, Collaborative Lifestyle, Positive Sexuality, Enhanced Problem Solving, Vison of the Future, Shared Emotional Identity, Shared Spiritual Understanding. (Page 12 in Book) 12 Min

The book is: Love, lost and found.

Listen Here

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Scorecarding: Selectively bringing up past failures for the purpose of winning a argument, beating someone down or pointing out other failures. Tends to be damaging to relationships as it only rekindles past arguements, hurt feelings and failures. It derails from maintaining a positive "solutions" oriented approach to a moving forward. Contact me at profgap@tampabay.rr.com if you have questions. Dr GAP

listen here

Couples Communications: 90% of all the couples that come to Interventions report they do not communicate well. This recording develops 5 reasons they don't communciate well and recommends 6 things they can do to improve their ability to communicate. Dr GAP

listen here

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I am running in the gasparilla Marathon to help cure Blood Cancers. You can help, click the link above. Thank you

Problem Solving

What does it mean to problem solve? Don't I already solve problems?

There's a lot more to solving problems than just solving the problem. Huh? First you hve to know what the problem is and sometimes it isn't what you like to hear. Then you have to know how to implement a problem solving attitude.

Listen here

Monday, September 11, 2006

** Interventions Inc., Making a difference in a difficult world**

** Interventions Inc., Making a difference in a difficult world**

Question: I like the way you explained why none of us are good listeners. The concept of business/work relationships and how the work environment teaches us to get the point and leave out the emotions. I see what you mean when you relate that to family relationsips. Can you upload that section from last week?

Answer: No problem. I am sure you recall me saying "Work Relationships are 90% Facts and 10% Feelings --while Love Relationships are 90%Feeling and 10% Facts. Pay attention to how I explain this metaphor. Tell me what you think, you can listen to the broadcast here, then send me an email. profgap@tampabay.rr.com

Thanks, Dr Gap

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Active listening

Client Request: I recently attended a seminar where you spoke of "Active Listening". I have been doing this with surprizing results. Will you replay the section on "Active Listening" so I can help my brother understand what I am attempting to do. By the way, until I learned the Reflective Listening Technique you taught me, I never realized how poor a listener I was. Mike J.
Dr. Gap: Here is 15 minutes from the last lecture I did. It is not the one you attended, however, I think you will get a lot out of it.

Active Listening MP3

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